Prisoner Breaker.rar
Indeed, US Secretary of State John Kerry suggested an increased sense of cooperation after the prisoner release was finalized, telling reporters that Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said "there are ways to try to translate this [the swap] and hopefully be constructive in other things. He specifically said Syria and Yemen."
Prisoner Breaker.rar
The prisoner swap - which exchanged seven Iranians detained in the US for violating nuclear-related sanctions for Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian and three other Iranian-American prisoners - was apparently hashed out over 11 to 12 meetings throughout 2015.
Aaron David Miller, a Middle East analyst and the current vice president for new initiatives at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, noted on Twitter that the imminent prisoner swap might explain why the US did not respond more forefully to videos Iran released of American sailors detained in its waters last week.
The negotiations leading up the exchange were apparently kept so much under wraps that even some Washington officials and insiders were not aware they were happening. Indeed, the secrecy surrounding the issue fueled one of the biggest criticisms of the Iran deal - namely, that it did not force Iran to release its American prisoners even as Tehran was due to receive sanctions relief.
"I think for the White House to say they were negotiating for the release of illegally detained Americans would have been embarrassing after the Bergdahl fiasco," Pregent said, referring to the US' exchange of five Taliban prisoners for Bowe Bergdahl, a soldier who was held captive by the Taliban after he walked off his base in Afghanistan in 2009.
Robb Stark (Richard Madden) is successfully fighting his way through the Westerlands with his direwolf leading every charge. After winning each battle against Lannister forces, Robb refuses to kill or torture the prisoners of war, instead bringing them along as his campaign continues.
The Lannister forces are not so noble with those they have captured, and Arya (Maisie Williams) and Gendry (Joe Dempsie) are being kept in a camp that daily tortures prisoners to death. Just as Gendry is picked to be killed, Lord Tywin Lannister (Charles Dance) rides into camp and stops the killing since Gendry is a skilled blacksmith with useful talents. Tywin also notices Arya but does not recognize her as a Stark child, he only sees that she is cleverly disguised as a boy to travel safely. Impressed with her subterfuge he pulls her from the prisoner ranks to serve as his cupbearer.
Over in Quarth, Jorah (Iain Glen) tries to convince Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) to leave the city for the relative safety of Astapor, but Dany is not going anywhere without her dragons. She uses her feminine wiles to convince him to lead her to the House of the Undying, where her dragons are being held prisoner.
Joffrey tries to further embarrass Tyrion by suggesting he fight the champion dwarf. When Tyrion mocks him back, Joffrey empties his wine goblet all over Tyrion and orders him to fetch him more wine. After a ceremony, Tyrion brings the cup to Joffrey who gulps it all down, and then grabs at his throat. He falls down convulsing, and Tyrion goes to examine the wine goblet as Joffrey points at Tyrion just before dying. Cersei (Lena Headey) commands the royal guard to take Tyrion prisoner for the murder of Joffrey! 041b061a72