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How to calculate lean muscle mass
For men: Lean body mass = (0. 32810 × W) + (0. 33929 × H) − 29. For women: Lean body mass = (0. 29569 × W) + (0. 41813 × H) − 43. In "Sports Nutrition for Coaches," sports dietitian Leslie Bonci writes that recreational athletes need between 0. BMR= Lean body mass (lbs) x 13. Fat mass: Body fat % x scale weight= fat mass Scale weight - fat mass= lean body mass. The peters equation is used to calclate LBM of children (up to 13-14 years old) and this equation is based on an estimated extracellular volume (eECV) as given: eECV = 0. Now from the formula’s, you can see how different the lean body mass is for males and females and children. Another study published in 2014 that looked specifically at bodybuilders found that they would “respond best to consuming 2.
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