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Solomon Lytkin
Solomon Lytkin

Agente H.A.R.M. In Italian

Artigo 22.º (Responsabilidade das entidades públicas) O Estado e as demais entidades públicas são civilmente responsáveis, em forma solidária com os titulares dos seus órgãos, funcionários ou agentes, por acções ou omissões praticadas no exercício das suas funções e por causa desse exercício, de que resulte violação dos direitos, liberdades e garantias ou prejuízo para outrem. Artigo 266.º (Princípios fundamentais) 1. A Administração Pública visa a prossecução do interesse público, no respeito pelos direitos e interesses legalmente protegidos dos cidadãos. 2. Os órgãos e agentes administrativos estão subordinados à Constituição e à lei e devem actuar, no exercício das suas funções, com respeito pelos princípios da igualdade, da proporcionalidade, da justiça, da imparcialidade e da boa-fé. Artigo 268.º (Direitos e garantias dos administrados) 1. Os cidadãos têm o direito de ser informados pela Administração, sempre que o requeiram, sobre o andamento dos processos em que sejam directamente interessados, bem como o de conhecer as resoluções definitivas que sobre eles forem tomadas. 2. Os cidadãos têm também o direito de acesso aos arquivos e registos administrativos, sem prejuízo do disposto na lei em matérias relativas à segurança interna e externa, à investigação criminal e à intimidade das pessoas. 3. Os actos administrativos estão sujeitos a notificação aos interessados, na forma prevista na lei, e carecem de fundamentação expressa e acessível quando afectem direitos ou interesses legalmente protegidos. 4. É garantido aos administrados tutela jurisdicional efectiva dos seus direitos ou interesses legalmente protegidos, incluindo, nomeadamente, o reconhecimento desses direitos ou interesses, a impugnação de quaisquer actos administrativos que os lesem, independentemente da sua forma, a determinação da prática de actos administrativos legalmente devidos e a adopção de medidas cautelares adequadas. 5. Os cidadãos têm igualmente direito de impugnar as normas administrativas com eficácia externa lesivas dos seus direitos ou interesses legalmente protegidos. 6. Para efeitos dos n.os 1 e 2, a lei fixará um prazo máximo de resposta por parte da Administração. Artigo 271.º (Responsabilidade dos funcionários e agentes) 1. Os funcionários e agentes do Estado e das demais entidades públicas são responsáveis civil, criminal e disciplinarmente pelas acções ou omissões praticadas no exercício das suas funções e por causa desse exercício de que resulte violação dos direitos ou interesses legalmente protegidos dos cidadãos, não dependendo a acção ou procedimento, em qualquer fase, de autorização hierárquica.

Agente H.A.R.M. in italian

Now I will begin the first assault of the spada and brochiero stretta, which is very beautiful and useful for playing and for teaching. Note, before going to play you must find a companion/partner; but I want you to take a side of the room with your brochiero, below to the left side, that is on your upper thigh, and your right foot close by the left in good form and with the sword in the coda lunga e larga with the arm extended and the body upright and as courteous as possible. Here I want you to advance your right foot forward and at the same time cut with the false edge at the copula of the brochiero and bring the copula near your face. Then make a gran passo with the left foot, forward and to the right and then strike the sword with the brochiero. End in the guardia di testa with the arm extended and then bring the point towards the ground, that is with the false edge of your sword towards your brochiero and strike your brochiero with the false edge. Then throw a high upwards cut with a mandritta and in this cut you do a molinello by making a gran passo forward with the right foot towards the left. Then make another with the left foot and go over the brochiero and strike the brochiero with the pommel of the sword on the side inside the rim. Bring the sword hand forward and place the sword point towards the ground and then bring the right foot forward and cut with a montante. Again, with the foot towards the left and ending in the guardia alta and your brochiero extended. Now cut with a fendente against the rim of the brochiero with your right foot back and the blow to the left against the right. End in the coda lunga e distesa. Finally make a gran passo forward to the right, punching the sword with the brochiero and going into a guardia di testa. Then bring the false edge of the sword towards the copula del brochiero making a gran passo with the right foot towards the left and immediately cut with a montante as the right foot comes left. End in a guardia alta with your arm extended. Your left thigh will be guarded from your enemy and your right foot will be extended. You will have reached close to your enemy being agente or patiente. But I suggest that you be agente, that is you are the one attacking. You sho uld be in guardia alta with the right foot forward. You should attack with a mandritto sgualembratto that goes over the arm with your buckler extended towards your enemy. Step with the said foot towards the left and at the same time make a cut to the head. Or, cut to the leg with a mandritto; or a roverso, or thrust, or tramazzone. I want you to do them in the same time as you make a gran passo with the right foot. And you will throw a roverso sgualembrato against the rim of the brochiero and you will end in the coda lunga e stretta. Cut then at the enemy's head. Then I want you to bring the point und er the buckler and then cut with two tramazzoni at the face of your enemy. End in the porta di ferro stretta. Now, when in the porta di ferro stretta, your enemy may attack to the head. So I want you to bring up your sword accompanied by the brochiero into the guardia di testa and parry the cut. Straightway on parrying I want you to throw a mandritto tondo at the legs while stepping with the right foot to the left. Then throw a roverso sgualembrato montando immediately and end in the guardia alta with both arms extended. Next make a gran passo taking the right foot behind the left and cut with a fendente. Lastly you will return a cut with the left foot forward. Then punch the sword with the brochiero and in said punching I want you to do a half turn of the fist, that is to move the point of the sword towards the ground and touch the copula of the brochiero with the false edge of the sword and pass with the right foot into a gran passo towards the left. Cut with a montante and end in guard ia alta with the brochiero as extended as possible.

If you are in the guardia alta or in the porta di ferro and being agente, that is the principal one to attack with mandritti or tramazzoni, in this I want to warn you that when you do such edge cuts or tramazzoni that he will want to come to grips with you. Know for certain when you throw a right edge cut follow it quickly with a roverso with the right foot following behind the left. In this you will end in the coda lunga e alta. In this manner he will not be able to come to grips. Then when you throw a tramazzon at someone, I would exhort you to not throw just one, but always two or three. Do not remain still for you always throw another one following and so end in the cinghiara porta di ferro stretta. This thing do so you will not be griped and you will be certain.

Now watch well for being in the porta di ferro alta or in the coda lunga e alta or coda lunga e stretta, and in consideration that you want to be agente. That is you will be the first to enter the half sword and in the utmost true-edge to true-edge. You will need to go safely that you find the guardia alta or porta di ferro alta. Then finding him in said two guards you will enter in quickly to true-edge to true-edge. This with your sword hand above your brochiero and this I would do that if he is in the guardia alta he will not be able to strike your right hand. Immediately on coming to the true-edge you will turn the false edge of the sword to his true edge in the manner that you will slice his face with a roverso. Then in his fear of the roverso he will raise his right arm and you will in the same moment do a dritto redoppio inside his right arm with a traversato of the leading leg to the outside of his right arm. For your defense you will embellish your play in a useful manner and you will return to the porta di ferro alta with your brochiero well formed.

If you return to the guardia alta or porta di ferro alta, know that here is the consideration that you will be able to be agente or patiente. But still, you seeing your enemy in one of these aforementioned guards, thinking he has a large imagination of coming to you true-edge to true-edge, watch well, for when he comes turning his false edge to your true-edge to slice your face you will throw your right foot behind the left and then throw a large tramazzon to his sword arm or hand. In this manner your sword will return to the porta di ferro cinghiara and in this manner you will have broken his intention. He will also not be able to do a roverso to your leg or a mandritto redoppio. Still, he will not have a roverso to the leading leg. In this manner I will be able in the same turn, being patiente, to prove the man as you will be forward and behind.

You know that I tell you that you will remain with the right sword in the coda lunga e alta and that the left sword will be in the porta di ferro alta. Here there is a need that you are agente to make a strike at your enemy and for this reason you will put your left sword under the one tha the has forward. With the right you throw a rising falso to his sword hand. Do not move your feet at all or return to the first guard. But know that if your enemy throws a stoccata or a ponta to the face that I want you to (in each of these) issue a falso with the left sword to the outside. In this manner you will step forward with the right foot and thrust to the chest. For your defense you will throw the right foot behind the left and cross your swords together. You will then settle in the same guard as at first. Here I want you to be patiente, that is to allow your companion to attack you.


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